Tuesday we made our first trip to the famous Red Beach. It was quite a climb, but well worth it. You can go by bus and then walk the rest of the way to the church that is close to it and then you have to climb up and around the mountain/hill and viola! It all opens up before you and is quite beautiful! I think it was my favorite beach. And this was a fantastic day for going, too, it was so sunny and hot that the water felt amazing on our feet. We found ourselves wishing we had brought our swimsuit that day so we could swim, but we contented ourselves by laying out and reading our books and enjoying the beauty before us.
We even met this old man that works on the beach when it's high season. He was so cute and old and he works out of this house in the side of the mountain along the beach which is filled with beach chairs, umbrellas, and a casket of wine. He offered us some and it was actually pretty good. We were worried we might be sick later, though, because who knows how old it was but nothing bad came of it, just a new friend. Apparently, during high season the beach is full of chairs and people offering food and stuff, but I think it's probably nicer when it's a bit emptier like it was for us. And you can see more of the beach's natural charm.
After leaving the beach and getting our fill of the sun we decided to try Naouss'as a restaurant recommended by George, the guy who ran our hostel. He said all we had to do was tell him George sent us and ask for Kostas and we'd get free wine or dessert. So of course, Kayla and I did what we were told and got free dessert! Woo! So the free dessert was this honey cake type thing that was delicious and a jello-type dessert with some cinnamon on top. They complimented my Greek salad quite nicely.
April 1st
For April Fool's day we headed back out to Red Beach, but it was kind of a dreary day so the beach was deserted. We didn't mind though, and sat there and read our books as the waves lulled us to sleep. We ended up staying a while, taking some more pictures, and stealing a couple of rocks for keepsakes. Another successful day and the only way we wanted to spend our last night in Santorini.
After catching the bus back, we did some souvenir shopping and toured some more of Fira. You just can't get enough of Santorini. We were sad to have to catch the ferry at 12:40am to leave for Athens. We really didn't want to go.
But we had to, so we went to Lucky's and said goodbye and I got my free t-shirt for being such a loyal customer and we said bye to some of the locals we had met at a little bakery/gelato shop where Kayla and I liked to get gelato. It was pretty hard to leave.
April 2nd
We caught the ferry at the very early/late time of 12:40am and slept the whole way through, or at least attempted to until we docked in Pireaus at 6am in the morning. It was still dark out and apparently unions were on strike so neither the buses or the metro were running, not that we could find either. So we had to hop in a cab and attempt to find our hostel which turned out to be harder than we thought. Our taxi driver had no idea where the street our hostel was on was located. Isn't that his job? So we were basically in the cab for almost an hour trying to find our hostel, apologizing, although it wasn't really our fault, and then ending by paying up 40 euro for our ride, which is ridiculous if you ask me (another strike against Athens transportation, but apparently charging this much is quite common). So we left our stuff at the hostel, ate a bit of breakfast then headed out to find the Acropolis.
We found it! It was really cool to see these ruins and to think that it was all built so long ago. It's crazy! We saw the Theatre of Dionysus, the Parthenon, the Erechtheum, the Propylaea and all the other bigs ones including The Temple of the Olympian Zeus and Hadrian's Gate at the feet of the Acropolis. Don't worry I got plenty of pictures, and some with myself in them! Although that proved to be an ordeal with rude people all over the place just stepping right in front of you while you are taking pictures and then not moving for 3 minutes, but more on that later... Basically it was a day well spent in Athens as we saw all the main sights.
Then Kayla and I were starving, because it's still early so we stopped and had some lunch at the Greek fast food place called Goody's, and let me tell you, it was delicious! And it is my kind of fast food! I got a barbecue burger (which let's face it, can't compare to those at home, but...), a salad, french fries, a drink, and a bowl of ketchup all on nice ceramic plates. It was almost like fancy fast food! So that was a pretty good experience.
After stuffing our faces we met up with our friend Renata and her boyfriend and went to do some shopping. I got some much needed leather flip-flops, a must since somehow I didn't think to pack any and flats and sand don't really mix. Then we found ourselves sucked in again by Greek television as we all got cleaned up and then went to get some more Greek food along one of the main drags. It was yummy as well and a good end to the night.
April 3rd
Our last day! Which was definitely bittersweet because I was ready to return to Prague but really wanting to stay at the same time.
With our last little bit of time we went out to see the Olympic Stadium from the 2004 Olympics. It was HUGE but kind of not what I thought it would be. It was spread out and lots of white, but not a lot of green which I don't know why, but I thought there would be. But oh well. So we left and got our last meal at the next metro stop back and enjoyed some pasta and stuff before we had to head to the airport to head to Prague.
I found myself wishing we could have had more time in Athens to see the rest of all the historical sights, but alas, we had to return to Prague. Which turned out to be an ordeal since at Athen's airport they STOLE my PEANUT BUTTER. But that's okay. They took my Nutella, PB and some apricot jam I had bought my mom saying that they were all liquids. I mean, I guess I can see the jam, but PEANUT BUTTER? I asked and was told, "It's like a cream." Ridiculous! But I'm over it, haha. I guess.
But the surprise of all surprises was that on our return to Prague it was warm and sunny. We didn't know what to do with ourselves! But let me tell you, we have been enjoying it this past week with trips to the park and picnics. It's been fabulous! But I still finding myself wanting to go back to Santorini. So some day, maybe next year? I will have to go back!

The Red Beach of Santorini

Our elder friend on the beach, and his little house on the right

a church by Red Beach, a view of Fira, some of the lazy, numerous dogs of Greece

some art of Santorini, and more photo documentation of Kayla and mine's obsession with gyros

Back to Red Beach!

more Chinesee restaurants, and a shot of my yummy Greek salad and yes that is a block of feta cheese on top (so good)

Lucky (the owner of Lucky's Souvlakis), and an old man who wanted a picture with us in the gelato shop (odd); arriving in Athens and this is the cute sign we see

a view from below of the Acropolis, Hadrian's gate in the morning light, and a view of the Parthenon

Odeon of Herodes Atticus and the Parthenon in the background, a look inside Herodes Atticus, and the Propylaea

Propylaea and the Parthenon

our attempt to get me and the Parthenon, that was thwarted for about 5 minutes by this oblivious lady who thought it was a good idea to come stand beside me and take forever to take a picture then to stand behind me for 2 minutes so her husband could get a picture of her; but I prevailed by being patient...

The Erechtheum and I

A look down at the Temple of Zeus, the Parthenon

The Odeon, then the Theater of Dionysus, from afar and up closer

The Queen's Gardens

The Temple of the Olympian Zeus

Hadrian's gate, some pretty flowers along the street, a beautiful church we saw while searching for lunch

Now THAT is fast food, and the entrance to the Olympic complex

a look down the pool, and the Olympic Stadium
So that's Greece! Hurrah for finally getting it all written down. I'll try to update soon with the goings on in Prague and the Easter traditions of the Czechs.