Saturday, June 2, 2012

Secret Mission: Espionage

The following is a true event that Channing and I were a part of today. Names may have been changed to protect the identity of those involved. The account is told as it was happening, which is why present tense is used.

Apparently a garçon took our waitress's money/tip and now we're embroiled in a battle. Our waitress wants Channing to play secret agent and witness. She's also copping quite the attitude and not realizing we DID NOT HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH IT. But whatever. Stay tuned to hear the resulting drama unfold!

The waiter wars continue. 

She's just glaring and shoving in chairs really harshly. This is not the way to treat your star witness!

The culprit just passed by. He may or may not have given us a look. We didn't want to see if he did. Here's hoping we get something free out of this. 

Channing is afraid to go to the bathroom because she thinks he might murder her. I just don't want to be left alone armed with the only French phrase I know. It might not go over well. 

Channing broke the egg on her plate. It's oozing yoke like her blood will be oozing on the bathroom floor when waiterman gets ahold of her. But we're all good over here. 

Check please? But I don't think we're allowed to leave yet...

Channing is going to the bathroom. If she's not back in 10 minutes I'll know something has gone wrong. Eeeeeek!

2:18 Channing left for the bathroom. 
2:20 she's still gone. 
2:21 waitress just gave us the check, complete with ugly look. 
2:21 Channing is back! Hooray she isn't dead!

Paid the check. And so we wait for Channing to do her witness duty. And she gave us free chips from another table to help us pass the time. Yay? I want a cupcake. 

Well an anticlimactic end to quite the drama. There was no resolution as we were told we could go. Thanks for the used chips!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Paris Photos!

And here are some more of the long awaited photos, this time of Paris! The rest can be found here. Apologies for not having more, but we avoided most of the tourist destinations since we had seen most of it.

Hanging out with some of the boys in Paris. Mathieu and Channing, me and Pierre

Holding up the ceiling, I'm so strong and Notre Dame!

Channing and Pierre and Notre Dame at night

Mathieu loves Notre Dame and the boys: Adriene, Pierre, Mathieu, Remi, Alex
L'Arc de Triomphe and Notre Dame

An elephant outside the Musee d'Orsay (ROLL TIDE) and the Eiffel Tower!

London Pictures!

Below and here are our pictures from London! I'll post some Paris ones tonight :)

charging my computer in the Dublin airport, also known as why we almost missed our plane; our yummy sandwiches we secured for our flight

We love train rides! And yes, that is me driving in England. On the right side of the car. On the left side of the road...

The wonderful dinner we made at Cho's our first night and Stamford Bridge!

The newly won FA Cup of Chelsea's, Kevin Garnett's Chelsea shoes

The many trophies of Chelsea and they get to add the Champions League to the haul! Inside the historic stadium

Channing  and I holding our press conference. Next question please.

Sigh, we got to touch Torres' jersey!

Walking out of the tunnel to game day sounds! And downtown London near Hyde Park

Channing's love, Fernando Torres; at the gates to Buckingham Palace

We found our red telephone booth! And at Westminster Abbey (where we saw the ungrateful LSU fans)

Westminster Abbey; and a glamour shot with David Beckham :) Funny story about that as well, we saw some man come up to the wax figure and actually ask him a question thinking he was real... I don't want to know what he was on.

On the London Eye! And my delicious fish and chips

Banksy drawing we found! Took us long enough, and we thought we'd escape London a while and visit Hogwarts.

I'm meant for Hogwarts.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The best kept secret in France

We are on our way back from the Calanques, the best kept secret in France. There is no English translation but it's essentially a cove on the cost amongst the hills. And it is BEAUTIFUL.

It took us a while to make it there, about 50 minutes each way and it's not for the faint of heart or the clumsy (although somehow I made it), but it is so worth it!!!

Apparently there are many of these among the South of France but this was one of the more secluded, although many people made the trek.

The pictures are below! And if you think the pictures are gorgeous, they really don't even do it justice. Also, I'll come back with pictures of Paris & London, but wanted to get some of these up while they're fresh!

Monday, May 28, 2012

C'est la vie.

Aboard our flight to Marseille and we are so excited to be on our way to the South of France!

Looking forward to going into unchartered territory since this will be the leg of the trip where I have zero prior experiences. Let the fun begin!

We also had a good last day in Paris. We walked around the city some new, seeing the Eiffel Tower, Arc d'Triomphe, Champs Elysee, and more. And our gracious host and his friends made us all dinner. Est tres bien! They made pasta with beef and used ketchup as sauce which, I must say, was different but didn't taste bad.

I know Channing isn't sad to see Paris go but I didn't have a bad time. Paris is beautiful but still can't replace my top 3 cities: Praha, Rome, and Santorini. Maybe the south of France will have better luck!

I'll post again soon and upload London and Paris photos!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Chelsea, Chelsea!

Because Channing and I have this song stuck in our heads this morning. Go Blues! And congrats on winning the Champions League!

Chuis une salope

Channing and I have made it safely to Paris, unharmed but a little tired. We ended up staying out all night since our flight left at 6 AM and we needed to be at the airport by 4:30. And good news, we didn;t have to run to catch our plane! WAHOO!

Upon getting to Paris yesterday we met up with our host Mathieu and dropped off our stuff at his house and went into the city. He took us to this nice little cafe where we had lunch (although only after we waited for an hour because nothing opens until 12--what the heck Paris?!) and it was delicious! I had sausages and sauerkraut and Channing had coq (pronounced cock) aka chicken. Mathieu really liked the coq as well.

We then went around the city on a quest to shop but alas Channing and I were so tired we couldn't even focus. We're in the Galeries de Lafayette and we can't even get the desire to shop! Sad day, but we decided to go back and nap which was a good plan seeing as we hadn't had any sleep up to this point.

We then went to Mathieu's friends' house and hung out to celebrate one of their birthdays. It was super fun and we ended up going to Notre Dame at night and watching the street performers and attempting to speak French (at least I was, Channing is really good at it). All in all it was a fun night and we made a lot of new friends!

One low note though: Channing got her wallet and iPhone stolen on the metro to downtown but thankfully they didn't take her passport or the cash she had. Stupid thief! So we're good, and everything was cancelled asap thanks to the wonderful power of technology!

But that was our first day in Paris, and now we're ready for our second! We want to go take a picnic on the lawn in front of the Eiffel Tower so we're off to make that happen! Pictures will be posted soon :)