Well, it is now Sunday and class starts tomorrow and I still am not on Czech time completely. So these last couple of days I haven't been able to sleep until late and then I wake up late and half the day is gone! But we're doing the best we can with the daylight we get.
Thursday we just had a chill day and went to the Palladium a mall that's close to us. It has over 200 stores including Clinique, Sephora, H&M, Starbucks, Albert (a grocery store), Promod (a clothing store), Puma, and many more that I just can't remember. We went to check it out and didn't end up buying anything but some groceries. I got some nutella! Yummy goodness! and some pretzels for dipping in the nutella. After that we spent a night in and just chilled and got to know each other a little better and tried (unsuccessfully) to go to bed early.
Friday we took a trip to Tesco which is sort of like a European version of Wal-mart. There we were able to buy some bowls, since apparently they like shallow bowls (like an inch deep) here which is not really convenient when you want a big bowl of cereal. We also were able to get some more necessary goods like shampoo and toilet paper (which was scented! Never have I ever seen scented toilet paper!). So Tesco was an adventure with its 5 stories.
Saturday we went back to the Palladium and Kayla and I shopped for some dresses. It was somewhat a hard thing to do, so I guess Europeans don't wear dresses as often as we do, but we prevailed! And found some worthy of buying at H&M. While there I also had some delicious Mango gelato for 1.75! A whole sugar cone for 1.75! I don't think I'll want to pay $3 for ice cream when I come back home after being spoiled like this. We also went to dinner at a restaurant on the square and I had a delicious meal of chicken breast with a pear on top and mango chutney. Really, really good.
Today we had our walking tour so we went up to Prague Castle and it is beyond beautiful! Unfortunately, I forgot to charge my camera so I don't have many pictures, but I will definitely make it up there again so I can get some good pictures. That's all that we've really done so far today. I think we're about to go to the store and buy some pasta to make for dinner tonight.
So far we've met all sorts of people. Apparently Prague is an international town, attracting all sorts of people. We've met Australians, Slovenians, Serbians, Brits, Indians, Czechs, and Germans. It seems like lots of people come here for the weekends and such.
The food has exceeded my expectations as well. I was thinking I would have sausage every meal and lots of potatoes but I've had chicken and some really good bagels. Apparently bagels are really big here and we're lucky enough to live around the corner from the famous bagel place called Bohemian Bagel. It's really good, and fortunately they have a menu in English, so no translation problems. Lots of people speak english here, I guess because it's so international and lots of people have to learn english so it’s the go to language so everyone can communicate with each other. It's kind of cool and definitely has its perks for us.
The buildings here are also beautiful. Gothic and baroque architecture and so old looking. The other European cities I've been lucky enough to visit have buildings with a lot more modern facades, so Prague is different in that it's less modernized and has that old timey feeling. It's beautiful. When we were up at Prague Castle we could look down and see basically the whole city and just the colors are fantastic, the reds and yellows and greys and greens; it makes a beautiful landscape.
I've posted some pictures below so check those out and you can learn the faces of some of my roommates and see some pics of the town.