Monday, December 22, 2014

One Week (!!!) until my return to Europe

Christmas is approaching, as is 2015, and you know what that means--almost time for my next adventure! I'm pretty excited about the trip to Berlin, Prague, and Munich that is coming up. Insanely excited even.

And even though my Mom has not yet reminded me that I need to blog about it, I'm preemptively planning to accommodate her wishes.

So what is our agenda, you ask?
  • December 31 to January 3 -- Berlin. Berlin for NYE should be pretty fantastic if the photos I've seen are any indication. I haven't yet picked out what I'm going to wear yet, but I'll get to it. Probably the night before I leave.
  • January 3 -- Dresden. We're making a brief stop in this German city on our way to Prague to see the sites and do whatever there is to do. Like attempt to find some of my great-grandmother's china so I can help my mom complete the set.
  • January 3 to January 7 -- Prague. My old stomping grounds and lost love. I'm so excited to head back and become reacquainted with all the places I used to see. And I want to resign the John Lennon Wall! (I'm assuming my old signature has since been covered)
  • January 7 to January 10 -- Munich. This will be a completely new one for me and I'm looking forward to it. I've heard so many great things about Munich so I'm hoping it lives up to the hype!
  • January 10 to January 11 -- Paris. I don't know if this counts because it's just a 17 hour overnight layover, but I'm going to count it. I have myself a nice little hotel near the Eiffel Tower so I'm going to soak that up while I can. 
If you're not excited about living vicariously though Carissa, Eric (no driving this time fortunately for our sanity), Ben, Amy, and others... then there's probably something wrong with you :)

7 days!