Sunday, June 15, 2014

Day 2: Larry gets married in Vila Madelena

Day 2, oh day 2... it was quite eventful. It all began with a plentiful breakfast of fresh fruits, pastries, and sausage at the hotel and it only got better from there.

My Brazilian friend Gustavo met up with us at the hotel and the journey around Sao Paulo began. First we decided to go towards the city center and be touristy so we headed towards what my guidebook called, the Empire State Building of São Paulo (which Gustavo laughed at). It was freeeee which we all know I love, and just a small wait to get up to the top. All in all, we went up 36 floors and had a fantastic view of the city! I have never in my life seen so many skyscrapers. It's literally mind-boggling. We only had 5 minutes at the top so we made the most of it and took tons of pictures (to be posted at a later date, since I'm currently without my laptop). 

After that we took a stroll down one of the streets known for having cheap souvenirs and the like because we wanted to look for Brazil jerseys. I'm trying to think of the best way to describe this street, it's like a cross of Bourbon Street in New Orleans and a stadium. They were hawking horns and it was SO LOUD because they all wanted to show off how loud their horns were. Not pleasant for my ear drums. However, it was cool to walk through but I didn't quite enjoy being called a gringa. Because here I thought I was fitting in! (Jokes)

After that energizing stroll we passed a man who was passed out on our way to our lunch destination at the market. This was another of Gustavo's recommendations and it did not disappoint. We had these famous sandwiches that were HUGE and oh so delicious. Graceful I was not while eating these but somehow managed not to get anything on me. At least that I know of. 

After that we headed back to the market (again passing the man who was passed out, at least that's what we're hoping it was) so we could buy jerseys before heading off to another part of the city to watch some games. 

Our destination for the game-watching is called Vila Madelena and it was pumping! It was all of these bars right next to each other and of course they all had the game on. It was impossible to find a table without an enormous wait, but no fear, you can stand in the street and watch with the thousands of other people in the area. So that's what we did. We also had some more caipirinhas but kiwi ones this time (I didn't even know there was such a thing) and omg delicious. We ended up staying in Vila Madelena until late so pretty much ended our night there. 

However, other items of note: Larry found himself a Brazilian girl (or three) to talk to and even found himself getting "married" to one of them! He got surrounded by these other guys who said that Larry and this girl we're getting married and starting pulling females from the crowd to be bridesmaids. They lit some candles or something and then pronounced them husband and wife. You can't make this stuff up. 

All in all it was a very satisfactory day, all thanks to our fabulous guide Gustavo! 

And sorry there aren't any pictures yet, I don't have my laptop because Daniel and I are waiting on our flight to Natal. USA-Ghana tomorrow!!!!!!! Look for us on tv, yeah? 

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