That's mine and Kayla's new favorite phrase. So since Friday not too many things have happened. Kayla and I decided to get on the metro and ride to the end of the line on Saturday so we did and then we get to the end and what do we find? IKEA! It was huuuuuuge and had so many awesome things so I got a new duvet cover that is nice and pretty to replace my boring drab one that I was provided. Our new bedding instantly lightens up our space, it's wonderful!
After dropping off our purchases it was back to the metro and we went to visit the famed TV tower with the real babies. And by real I mean, the metal ones that are actually climbing the tower. It was rainy and deserted so we figured the tower was closed so we couldn't go up it. We'll save that for another time, but it was cool to see in person. It's so tall!
After that we wanted to try one of the traditional beer halls, one of the most famous but when we got there it was already closed. Sad day. So we may try to go there tonight. It's called U Fleku was supposedly built in the 1499? I may have to fact check that...
Today, we went to the Jewish Quarter to see the Old Jewish Cemetary and some of the synagogues in the area. The first building we went into, the Pinkas Synagogue was possibly one of the saddest things I've ever seen in my life. The walls were covered with people's names who died in the Holocaust and included their date of birth and date of death. It's so sad to see what happened to so many people, and to see names of little kids who only lived 4 years before their life was snuffed out. Sad stuff. The rest of the buildings though were older and more of a history of Jews in the Czech Republic. We saw the Old Jewish Cemetary which has around 12,000 tombstones but is probably home to many more bodies. The first body laid to rest there was in the 1400s and the last I think around 1750. So it's crazy old.
That's about our journey's so far. I think next weekend we may try to go to Budapest, so that should be fun! Hopefully it will work out. The exchange rate is even better in Hungary, so Wooooo! =)
But here are some more pictures of our travels around Prague, get ready for a ton!
this is the dinner that Kayla and I had to settle for after we couldn't eat at La Casa Blu for fear of being rude. Yummmmmm
this was our yummy ice cream that we found, a little on the expensive side but so good

hanging out with some friends and roomies
a xxlong hot dog from one of the street vendors; I ate it all...
It was Lindsay's 21st birthday so some of the girls ordered this huge margarita. Insane!
random sites on the street and Bee's a vegetarian restaurant we found in our guidebooks that is really good
the dancing lady that is on the side of the National Theatre
a boat restaurant, the Dancing building nicknamed "Fred and Ginger", a different view of the river
Getting ready to go around town! This is our metro stop and the video that tells you what not to do on the metro... apparently that includes swinging on the poles
The TV tower!!!!
A Jewish cemetary we found that was near the TV tower

We also found this little children's daycare/school

Wall graffitti
A restaurant from the quidebook that we probably can't afford and then some Communist-era housing
The steep escalator down to the metro, scary!
My new bedding! My space is all homey now!

Finding new places is always a treat in Prague, and long straws are just too much fun to play with

a graffitti drawing near Tesco (makes me wonder how they manage to do these things) and Kayla getting her own xxl hot dog
Some of the Old Jewish Cemetary
The Ceremonial Hall and Maisel Synagogue
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