Tuesday, May 15, 2012


So Channing and I have both somehow come down with some sort of sickness. Timing is everything apparently. But at least it's before we left so I could go to the doctor and get the drugs necessary to get rid of this nasty sinus infection. Thank goodness for antibiotics!!!

In other news... 53 HOURS TO BLASTOFF! It still hasn't hit me that I'm going to be in Europe this time in less than 3 days. But I'm pretty much all packed and ready except for a few items that I'll need to use before leaving Thursday. So crazy. I'm worried I don't have enough but of course I've probably packed too much. Such is life right?

And to manage expectations, I hope to update as much as possible which may mean a picture here or there and a post every two days or so. Hopefully. But depending on internet availability it may be longer than that.

Thanks for coming along for the ride and hopefully I'll have tons of fun stuff to update on!

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