Thursday, June 26, 2014

The rainforest, a tropical rainforest (aka pictures from Manaus)

And here are some pictures from our lovely but stiffling time in Manaus!

That is Jack, the not to nice organizer of the trip, but we didn't yet know this. And then a view of the market as we leave the dock!

Larry and Pablo are excited!

As are me and Davina! And look, it's the Rio Negro (black river)

So I may have gotten a little excited about the meeting of the waters, but YOU CAN SEE IT! It's totally cool. Science. 

Lily pads! But sadly no frogs :(

Excitement to be in the Amazon! And then all the boats docked at the lunch place. And my lunch plate. So much good food, and in the middle of the river!

Monkeys are just so adorable! And the one on the left would grab fruit out of your hand

The river is so. big. Tribal chief who showed us some of their cultural dances. And the hut that we viewed them in.

The view from the tribe's land. This river is seriously so vast.

USA vs. Portugal! Daniel, me, and Larry

Arena das Amazonas!

We can be goofy and then pretty

So I had to get a picture of Ronaldo (#7 in the pic on the right, around the middle of the shot) because as we all know (except for him) that he and I are getting married.

Clutzy Cheryl strikes again! But ice cream to make me feel better about this massive bruise and the tie. Andrew liked the slide!

The Opera House!

Coke that may have been in storage for years.... but it tasted just fine? And the inside of the Opera House!

Views from the main floor of the Opera House (Teatro Amazonas)

They had busts of famous composers, and then A LEGO REPLICA OF THE OPERA HOUSE. I may have just gotten inspired to go play with legos when I get home.

Lego replica!!! Costumes from one of the many performances. A glamorous chandelier, made from Murano (Venetian) glass

The room for the men when the performances were at interim. At the very top, it's dark because the performers would come play music and all the rich people wanted to hear but not see them. Hmph.

An outdoor patio and the moldings around the windows. So much gold.

This is the view from the premium seats... see anything wrong with this? Like you can't actually see anything?

I loved the little streamers in the Brazilian flag, sunset on the Rio Negro

Our views of the Manaus Fan Fest for the Brazil vs. Cameroon game. It was NUTS.

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